"Together, let's find common ground to create a brighter future for our community. Â Your support is crucial in building a thriving District 61."
Priorities that Matter
Michelle recognizes the value of education as a fundamental right and an essential driver of progress. She believes in expanding access to quality education for all individuals, regardless of their background or socio-economic status, while also promoting personal responsibility and accountability.
Michelle supports increasing funding for public schools to provide necessary resources and support to students and teachers. She believes in efficient allocation of funds to ensure that taxpayer dollars are used effectively and that investments yield positive outcomes for students.
In addition to adequate funding, Michelle emphasizes the importance of promoting choice and competition in education. She believes in empowering parents to make decisions about their children's education, whether it be through charter schools, voucher programs, or other alternatives. By expanding educational options, Michelle believes that parents can find the best fit for their child's individual needs and aspirations.
Furthermore, Michelle recognizes the importance of a rigorous and academically-focused curriculum. She believes in prioritizing core subjects such as math, science, reading, and history to ensure that students are well-prepared for college and the workforce. At the same time, she supports incorporating practical skills and vocational training to prepare students for real-world success.
Lastly, Michelle values the role of local control and decision-making in education. She believes that decisions regarding curriculum, standards, and policies should be made at the state and local levels, with input from parents, educators, and community members. By empowering local communities, Michelle believes that education can better reflect the unique needs and values of each region.
Michelle believes in supporting law enforcement and taking a zero-tolerance approach to crime. She understands the importance of maintaining safe communities and believes that a strong law enforcement presence is crucial in achieving this goal. By providing the necessary support and resources to law enforcement agencies, Michelle aims to create a safer environment for all residents in District 61.
Michelle supports a zero-tolerance approach towards violent offenders, prioritizing public safety and ensuring that those who commit violent crimes are held accountable for their actions.
In addition to addressing violent crime, she also recognizes the underlying factors that contribute to non-violent crime, such as food insecurity and unemployment. Michelle believes in implementing comprehensive strategies that uplift individuals and communities. By addressing the root causes, she aims to reduce the occurrence of such crimes and provide individuals with the resources needed for personal development and success.
Furthermore, Michelle advocates for rehabilitation and community support programs for non-violent drug offenders. She believes in treating drug addiction as a public health issue rather than a criminal one, emphasizing the importance of providing individuals and families with access to treatment, counseling, and support services. By focusing on rehabilitation rather than punishment, Michelle aims to help individuals overcome addiction and reintegrate into society as productive members.
Economic Security
She believes that a strong and thriving economy is built on the foundation of a competitive market and job opportunities that promote long-term career success. It is important for individuals to have access to the right skills and possess a strong work ethic to succeed in the workforce.
She firmly believes in empowering individuals with independence rather than relying on handouts. This means creating an environment that fosters personal responsibility and self-sufficiency
She supports policies that encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, and risk-taking, as they are key drivers of economic growth.
To promote a competitive market, it is essential to reduce burdensome regulations that stifle business growth and innovation. By cutting unnecessary red tape and streamlining the regulatory process, we can create a more business-friendly environment that encourages investment and job creation.
Additionally, investing in education and vocational training programs is crucial. By equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the modern economy, we can ensure that they are prepared for the jobs of the future. This includes promoting STEM education, vocational training, and apprenticeship programs that provide practical skills and real-world experience.
Furthermore, she believes in fostering a tax system that incentivizes work, investment, and entrepreneurship. By lowering tax rates and simplifying the tax code, we can encourage individuals and businesses to keep more of their hard-earned money, spurring economic activity and job creation.
Women's Health
Currently Pennsylvania's abortion policy allows for termination of pregnancy up to 24.5 weeks of gestation. She does not seek to change the current policy, as she believes individuals have the right to make decisions about their own bodies, including the option of having an abortion.
However, she also recognizes the importance of considering the rights and interests of the unborn fetus
Therefore, she supports a balanced approach which allows for reasonable and respectful discussions among mothers, medical and legal experts, elected leaders, families and faith communities. It is crucial to find common ground that respects both the autonomy of individuals and the value of life.
Government interference should be limited, and the focus should be on providing accurate information, access to healthcare, and support for individuals facing unintended pregnancies.
She believes that immigration control is an important federal matter, but it is essential to recognize that border security has direct implications for various aspects of society at the state level, such as education, crime, health, and national security. It is crucial to address these related issues with both sensitivity and a focus on security.
While it is important to protect the integrity of our borders, we should also ensure that the process is fair, efficient, and respects the dignity and rights of individuals seeking to enter the country.
Balancing the need for security with the recognition of the economic and cultural contributions immigrants can make is vital. Striking a thoughtful and pragmatic approach that upholds the rule of law while also promoting compassion and inclusivity is key.